Rebati Girl’s PG 👧 Supermarket, Dispur

Rebati Girl’s PG

For Girls and Working Ladies

At  Super markrt, Dispur

Starting from 6,000/- Per month


Hostel/PG Rating-  08/10

Food Rating- 8/10

Locality Rating- 8/10

Owner strictness  Rating- 8/10


Nearest Institution

Dispur Law College, GNRC, Downtown Hospital, Ganeshgudi, Secretariat

Food– (3 time meals,Evening tea,biscuit)


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Landmark –  AURS Mall, Dilip Hazarika Path

Address– 96, 2nd floor Sorumotoria, Dilip Huzuri path,near Supermarket Bus stop.Guwahati-6

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Estd– 2014

Owner Name–   Ranjan Deka

Building Type–  RCC Building

Total Student’s Capacity–  30 seats


Extra Admission amount(Non- Refundable)-   1000/-

Extra Security Deposit(Refundable–   5000/-

Notice Period– One month

Minimum stay duration–  6 Months

Minimum seat holding/booking amount– 1000/-


Visitors Allowed– Parents only

Gate Closing Time- 9.00 pm

Gate Opening Time- 06.00 am


Total no. of  Toilets–   6 No.

Toilet Style–  Both

Room Cleaning–  Cleaner available

Mattress– No

CCTV Camera-  Yes

Wi-Fi –  Yes

RO Water– Yes

Self Cooking Facilities–  Yes

First Aid Kit– Yes

Warden–  Yes

Security Gaurd– Yes

Parking Area-    2 wheeler only

Open/ Play ground– Yes

Extra Facilities –

  • Induction facilities for snack hot water tea meggi


Menu/ Food:


Monday= Red tea, Roti sobzi chattni / Rice dal sobzi Tuesday = Red tea Roti sobzi / Rice dal sobzi chattni Wednesday = Red tea Roti sobzi green chattni / Rice dal sobzi Thursday= Red tea Roti sobzi chilly chattni / Rice dal sobzi Friday = Red tea Roti sobzi chattni / Rice dal sobzi Saturday = Red tea Roti sobzi chattni /Rice dal sobzi / Sunday= Red tea puri sabzi chattni

Time: 07.00 am to 9.00 am


Lunch–  Rice dal two type sobzi , chattni or papar or dal bora pokora

Time :  1.00 pm  onwards


Monday = Rice dal sobzi , egg curry , chattni or aachar pokora Tuesday = Rice dal sobzi fish curry pokora or chattni Wednesday = Rice Dal sobzi 2 typ chicken curry aachar or chattni Thursday = Rice dal sobzi papar aachar or chattni egg curry Friday = Rice dal sobzi chattni or pokora fish tenga curry Saturday = Rice dal sobzi 2 typ chatnni papar or aachar Sunday -Special

Time: 9.00 pm to 10.00pm


Non veg days : 6 Days

Veg Days:  1 Days


Nearest Police Station–  Dispur PS

Nearest Hospital– Downtown Hospital

Nearest Gym-  Golds Gym,Bidang MMA

Nearest Market place–   Supermarket,  Ganeshgudi


Strict Rules n regulations

  • No opp gender allowed.
  •  Respect others liberty.
  • No ragging
  • Diversity among students.
  •  Late night entry restricted.
  •  Night outs required parents consent.
  • No alcohol and smoking.
  •  Read Rule book.


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6,500.00 9,000.00
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